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Safety At Our Core

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Safety at our Core is our ongoing campaign demonstrating that Health and Safety is rooted in all we do at Cognition. Safety at our Core is our ongoing campaign demonstrating that Health and Safety is rooted in all we do at Cognition. We want to ensure all employees and contractors go home safe and well at the end of every day. We are responsible for the health and safety of everyone involved in our projects and all our employees are dedicated to this commitment. 

As part of our Safety at our Core campaign, we have encased our aims and objectives by adopting our four Core principles BLESS. 


  • Our focus on health and safety is aimed at protecting our people, contractors, partners, and clients from workplace health risks.
  • Behavioural expectations from staff and employees to keep improving culture, ensuring consistent safe behaviours.
  • Our aim is to continue to improve our safety behaviours.


  • The leadership team actively encourages ‘Safety at our Core’.
  • Empowering individuals to ensure Every Voice Counts.
  • Committed to doing the right thing.


  • We want consistently high standards of health, safety, and welfare across all projects.
  • We will continue to provide safety shares and good practices across sites.

Safety Standard

  • We continue to develop our foundations in safety standards for performance analysis and improvement planning.
  • We continue to evaluate Health and Safety observations to measure progress against safe working environments.
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