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Gaseous hydrogen is traditionally produced by SMR (Steam Methane Reforming) or Electrolyser (Electrolysis). Cognition Clean Energy support both technologies to produce low, and carbon negative hydrogen.  
It’s important for us to differentiate and produce hydrogen for” Fuel Cell” application (99.999) and non-fuel cell grade hydrogen for use Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) and Boilers and furnaces where many end users are transitioning their businesses to align with NetZero and use cleaner technology. 
The opportunities for hydrogen are vast, covering many sectors and applications. With the right choices, investments, collaboration, and support, we can unlock the true potential of this energy source as part of a solution for a sustainable future for our generations to come. 
Hydrogen production in the UK is not simple! There are hurdles in many shapes and sizes. 

Utility Costs / Power Consumption / Efficiency / Water User Use / Waste / Scale and location of plant / Safety  

We have worked with the global hydrogen OEM supply chain to develop a solution. With our technology and academia partners in Australia, Norway and the UK we are in development to bring to market a commercially viable, highly efficient and sustainable hydrogen production technology that can produce green hydrogen from natural gas. 

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